1 Corinthians 15:22

New International Version (NIV)

"For as in Adam all die, so in Christ all will be made alive."

Everything in this earth is created by GOD even mankind's creativity
but the original sin in mankind had make us far from GOD
so there is only way to get the creativity back
that is to DEEP into HIS HEART
that is to DEEP into HIS SOUL
that is to DEEP into HIS WORDS


recently life become more colorful

should be my most weird day
most weird drive & breakfast in my life
but it's a good starting point

should be my most nervous day ><
but thanks god outcome is better than what i expected^^

should be my most lovely day (currently)
there is only one word that i can use to describe this...
SWEET <3 p="p">more & better is yet to come^^
create it together okay?^^

should be my most pain but yet thanksgiving day
thanks for willing to tell me (i know it's hard to do so)
for me i know what i'm going to get is the most perfect & beauty
remember my words.. urmfm iaufu

if can, i wish to sing that song in my whole life <3 p="p">


how long did i never feel the taste of hungry... lol...
hungry man is an angry man.. so better dun gek me now... haha...
all of my lovely cg mate.. when u all want b melaka.. ?? @@"

tmr gonna be the first time shooting for company annual dinner...
hope every thing fine & please be with me ya^^

how r u thr? every thing fine...?
hope so...^^
miss u.....


how long i never update my blog ed?? i dunoe...
just suddenly got da mood to blog something..

sorry again i did something that fail You...
i noe wat wrong here and i really want to repent to You.
i noe u ask me to wait be patience but yt still cant control my mind my hand...
please.. hold my life...
i will do as wat You ask to...

now in shoplot suddenly can feel the loneliness...
at this very moment i just want to say this...
i miss you badly
one question that keep pop up in my mind...
r you serious for this...

hope thing run as wat i wish for....
hopefully oso wat You wish for....

first time

sometime i just wonder, why a lot of people struggling with their future.
but now, at this very moment, i know why.
because i'm in it too.
sad to said this ya.

sometimes what happen in our life will not follow what we plan for our life.
or can i say most of the time??? @@"
yes, we can plan for our life,
but don't try stay on the plan even when it can't work in particular circumstances.
i had figure out this during this 2 months.
lots of things been carried out but lot of things failed or stopped because of somethings.
there are always a lot of "somethings" that going to stop us for moving forward.
but in this case, what i had learnt is if plan a can't work then turn on plan b.
if plan b can't work then turn on plan c.
there is always a way for us to be success.

when Paul been rejected by people in Corinth, then his next step was moved to Gentiles.
he never stop there & blame God.
he didn't stop there & ask God for the reason of rejection from people of Corinth.
But what he did???
he moved his step to the next station, to the next destination of his way.
there must have a way to be work out, but if we never try to move, then that's it.

ok, back to the point, during these 2 months,
i tried the very very first part-time job in my life.
work as a salesman in Maccity, a retail shop that selling Apple products.
erm... the very first thing that i gonna said is that stand for 10 hours per day is really a challenge.
my leg muscle been trained for 10 hours per day during the 1 month working.
but yet, lot of stuff i had learn from this experience.
how to serve customers, how to communicate with college, how to settle complaint, how to avoid argument & how & how.
it's really great to have this experience.
when people ask me about this work, i will said i will never ever regret for this 1 month working.
Thanks Jesus for everything happen during this very precious time.
i will remember everything that You teach me & showed me.

ok, then what is next???
looking forward.....^^


this is just a random post for what happen recently.

lots of stuff happen during this period,

my mbp been sent to apple & claim the logic board again (YES AGAIN!!!! if got one more time then i gonna ask for a replacement ed)

bought a ssd to replace the hdd in my mbp (accidentally purchased it LOLX)
although used a lot of time to make the ssd work on my mbp, but finally it works...
just impress by its boot up speed. not even 10seconds. Just love it.

few days ago M4J just end,
me & few of my friends had join few night sections.
although it's quite tired to do so, but i think it's worth for the price.
never join a conference that is such amaze. (not about the modal or size of conference but its spirit & purpose)
it's a nice experience that had testify the united of Malaysia's churches.
although not all but at least there are some buddy willing to step up & do it.
hope every single church in Malaysia can join this campaign (it's not about the name or which church in charge but it's about to unite together & take down Malaysia for Him)

received a call from maccity@Aeon just now,
said want me to start work this wednesday.
this is really a funny story that happen last friday.
actually i just want to go into the shop to ask about the job vacancy detail,
but when i meet the person in charge he just pass me a form to fill up, & once i filled up the form direct proceed to the interview. WHAT...... i never expect for such thing when i walk in...
at that very moment, i just had this blank mind & it's jus a miracle to receive this call. lolx....
i don't but i will take this job, may be the pay is not so good but i just want to try to grab some experience.
& i believe this door God open for me & there must have something that i have to learn & go through.

Word from my heart...

Media is so powerful as we can found in recent issues.
anyway, there is only one thing that i pray.
Pray that God will give His wisdom to His children for the ability to distinguish.

Swollen those meat & spit out those bone.

Another thing,
let no one control your way of view accept God Himself.
of cause in a correct way & must accept others' view.
Sometime just feel that too many noise around me.
don't live in others' dream...
no one can manipulate some one life.

Religion determine people base on what you do...
Christianity determine people base on who you are...

Sometime thing is just no so serious.
Don't always called code orange & mash up the whole situation.
Just back off & relax.
Wait & see what God want to do in this place...
With love...^^

What happen recently~~~

Time fly & life still moving as usual, but there are some special stuff happen recently.
Good and bad, but good first.
Let's joy now...

29th April 2012, 35 crazy people showed up at Aeon GSC.
The very first time such huge gang watched movie together.
Marvel: The Avengers.
few things to comment:
1st, this is a great movie.
2nd, watch movie in a gang really feel good.
3rd, but yet it end with no so well, at least not well for me.
all separated for dinner.
But thanks God that me, Cheng Khai, Yu Xiang & 2 of their friends had a great time at 99Garden.
Nice place, nice food, nice talk, but waiting time damn long... LOLX...

ok & above is the great time, now is the time for something sad...

428, this number become the hottest number in Facebook.
recently, Facebook had been flooded by lots of green & yellow.
every time open Facebook, there must have something about 428.
428, Bersih 3.0, a event for clean election & green environment in Malaysia.
thousands & thousands people showed up in the event location on that day.
although this event suppose to be peaceful, but something went wrong when this event almost till its end.
the riot happen & police had used water canon & tear gas against the people (or should be said on the people).
How dare they used again the same treatment to the people as in Bersih 2.0.
life had lost during this event & thousands of injury cases.
tons & tons of information had shared through Internet.
some are truth but some are lies.
how to differentiate is the most important thing for us now.
censored news, fake information, statement without evidences...
lots had showed on the main stream news channel in Malaysia.
now we know how powerful media is. (which i want to step in for)
Great to heard the new from my dear roommate, who as a photographer & shoot some real pic during the event.
Really regret for absent this event. Time for me to decide myself for what I'm have to do rather than limited by others.
while war happen in KL, it happen beside me too... =.="
no comment for this cause not really know what happen but just pray that God still in control in this case.

Yet, Malaysia is still my lovely country & it will always be... Pray for it...
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