1 Corinthians 15:22

New International Version (NIV)

"For as in Adam all die, so in Christ all will be made alive."

Everything in this earth is created by GOD even mankind's creativity
but the original sin in mankind had make us far from GOD
so there is only way to get the creativity back
that is to DEEP into HIS HEART
that is to DEEP into HIS SOUL
that is to DEEP into HIS WORDS

1st exam coming

Gonna take my mid term exam of international management earlier,cause clashing wif the sg trip...
tmr 2.30pm, jus try mybest for tis cause really dunoe wat gonna test in the paper, and its cover lots chapters.
this 3 days spend almost all my free time  in the library...
and gonna settle down the event's stuff...hvn't finalize the design yet...
STATE really...... jus a logo...dun take it so serious ok???
gonna b hometown tmr...
2&half days to rest myself...

and later... gonna start my engine jor....no matter in wat area...^^
Love Nicky Lee's song recently^^

彼此相爱 彼此扶持

傳:49—12   "兩個人總比一個人好、因為二人勞碌同得美好的果效。 若是跌倒、這人可 以扶起他的同伴.若是孤身跌倒、沒有別人扶起他來、這人就有禍了。 再者、二人同睡、就都煖和。一人獨睡、怎能煖和呢。 有人攻勝孤身一人、 若有二人便能敵擋他。三股合成的繩子、不容易折斷。"们不可孤独的存在,很容易失败。从圣经四个提摊子的事件中(可21—12),我们可以发现,这一个摊子之所以被医治,由于他的生命之中有几位同伴,这几位同伴坚持的伴随他。成为他生命的祝福。

1024   "又要彼此相顾,激发爱心,勉励行善。"

1334—34   "赐给你们一条新命令,乃是叫你们彼此相爱;我怎样爱你们,你们也要怎样相爱。你们若有彼此相爱的心,众人因此就认出你们是我的门徒了。"



Can i hv 48 hours PLS!!!

recently jus wish to hv 48 hours per day...
feel like my tension is too tight now...
all things mess up and cont really manage it well...
jus wish can gt time for rest!!!

again no time for me to take a snap on those prety stuff...
nt even 1 snap...

going to hv movie on wed wif my last sem clsmates...
it really surprise but anyway waiting for it to come!!!

Wow~~~Extremely fun!!!

3 days edy play wif the new cams...
really extreme excited...
they are jus awesome!!!
it was super fun to run the live system but also is super duper tired~~~
cos need to be concentrate in the whole service...
but thx god!!!^^

will try to snap some photo of those stuff...
really busy until forget to do so....XP

had a nice cg jus now...
praise the Lord~~~


lolx... how come jus 20% only...
gonna rush rush rush...
looks like friday gt practice...

challenge & challenge again~~~

5 hours of edit...
finally finish it... this is wat i can give now...
hope it can be awesome to u...
& thx God for helping me in tis stuff^^

more & more stuff...
assignment... work... assignment... work...
thx God to enlarge me territory^^
gonna do some crazy thing...
finish my sound remix for drama in 1 day...
God pls help me on this...^^

cont wait to carry the new cam...
jus arrived in the afternoon...
gonna rock it  out...

jus thx u and wanna praise u in my whole life...^^


021110 cheers...

8 hours of sound recording, thx God~~~
good starting for tis time... all the sound actors r preforming pretty well...
hope wont need to record again tis time...XP
time for sound remix in tis week... now working on PYS video... finish it 1st ya...
hope can be full recorvered by to9...
really i dun want work in sick,,, pls pray for me...

this 2 day started prayer meeting in campus...
thx God for teaching me wat should we need to do...
not by our experiences, not by our feels, not by our needs...
but we need to humble ourselves in front of God and seek him for wat we should do...
big lesson from Him... hope can heard and work it out...^^

feeling great in tis new cellgroup...
really learn a lot from u all...
thx God....

"一點麵酵能使全團都發起來。" (加拉太书 5 : 9)


"神說:不要近前來,當把你腳上的鞋脫下來,因為你所站之地是聖地。" (出埃及记 3:5)
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